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BMEP (Beijing Climate Center Merged Estimation of Precipitation)逐日降水产品是国家气候中心基于NCEP-R1数值模式降水产品、CMORPH卫星估计降水产品和全球GTS台站降水观测经过多源资料融合,生成的中国第一套准实时全球(90°S-90°N,180°W-180°E)格点化降水产品。BMEP降水产品第一版的时间分辨率为daily,空间分辨率为1°×1°。起始时间为2003年,滞后时间约4天。

1. Nie, S., Y. Luo, T. Wu, X. Shi, and Z. Wang (2015), A merging scheme for constructing daily precipitation analyses based on objective bias-correction and error estimation techniques, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120(17), 8671?8692, doi:10.1002/2015JD023347.
2. Nie, S. P., and Coauthors, 2016: A strategy for merging objective estimates of global daily precipitation from gauge observations, satellite estimates, and numerical predictions. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33(7), 889-904.
3. 国家气候中心全球多源降水资料融合系统1.0版本(BMEPS1.0)技术报告,2016年,国家气候中心。
4. Deng, X., Nie, S., Deng, W. et al. Statistical evaluation of the performance of gridded monthly precipitation products from reanalysis data, satellite estimates, and merged analyses over China. Theor Appl Climatol (2017). doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2105-x
5. 聂肃平, 罗勇, 李伟平, 吴统文. (2011). 一套新的 30 年全球台站逐日降水资料集: 质量控制和评估. 气候变化研究进展, 7(4), 235-242.
6. Nie, S. P., Luo, Y., Li, W. P., Wu, T. W., Shi, X. L., Wang, Z. Z. (2012). Quality Control and Analysis of Global Gauge-Based Daily Precipitation Dataset from 1980 to 2009. Advances in Climate Change Research, 3(1), 45-53.