Seasonal Highlights

Climate in China

During autumn 2006, mean surface air temperatures were above normal in most of China with anomalies above 1℃ except they were near normal in northern Northeast China, eastern Tibet and western Southwest China. 2~3℃ positive anomalies were observed in most of Northwest China, central and western Inner Mongolia, parts of North China, and Shangdong.

For the season, precipitation totals were 30-50% less than average in eastern Inner Mongolia, parts of Northeast China, southern Guangxi, Hainan, western Tibet and most of Xinjiang, with no precipitation in parts of southern Xinjiang. Meanwhile, rainfall totals were more than 30-50% in western and southeastern Xinjiang, western and eastern Qinghai, southeastern Tibet, western and central Inner Mongolia, southern Jiangxi.

Climate in the world

During autumn 2006, mean surface air temperatures were 1 above normal in most of China, central Asia, most Europe, the far east in Russia, Alaska and most of Australia, with 3 above normal in northwestern China, most of Germany and the far east in Russia. Meanwhile, temperatures were near or below normal in the other regions, and they were 1 below normal in most of Siberia and USA.

For the autumn, rainfall totals were more than 30-50% above average in parts of China, southern India, most of central and western Asia, parts of central Siberia, the far east in Russia, northern and western Europe, eastern and northwestern USA, western Alaska, southern West Africa, western Australia, Paraguay, western and coast of eastern Brazil, with 100% above average in locals. Meanwhile, precipitation totals were 30-50% less than average in most of northern and western China, Mongolia, northern India, southeastern Europe, western and parts of central USA, eastern Alaska, northern West Africa, most of Australia and Venezuela, with no precipitation in locals.

General Circulation Features

Northern Hemisphere: During autumn 2006, the mean 500hPa geopotential height field exhibited mainly a 4-wave pattern at the mid-high latitudes. Positive anomalies above 4 dam covered most of Europe, the region from northern North America to northwestern North Pacific, with maximum above 8 dam over northwestern North Pacific. Meanwhile, negative departures below -4 dam controlled northeastern North Atlantic. For the season, the area and intensity of Northwest Pacific subtropical high were above normal.

Southern Hemisphere: For the month, zonal circulation prevailed over mid-high latitudes in the mean 500hPa geopotential height field. In the 500hPa height anomaly field, negative height anomalies below -4 dam covered the southern South Pacific Ocean. Heights were near or above normal in the rest regions. Positive height anomalies above 4 dam were observed over southeastern South Pacific, southern Australia, oceans south to Australia and region over 60ºE90ºE20ºS40ºS.